Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Week 5: AT: Mwanza vs Liu & Schwen

We spent some time looking more closely at Activity Theory as a tool for analyzing Technology/User interactions. Both of the papers we looked at (Mwanza [pdf] and Liu & Schwen) approached the task from different perspectives. As the class discussed the different methodologies, we came to the conclusion that the strength of AT is that it allows emergent issues to be captured and dealt with.

Application of AT in Learning Design:
My group is using BCeSIS as our technology focus. We will be looking at how teachers at secondary and elementary, as well as admin and clerical are using this Student management system. We plan to interview (and survey) participants in order to see what the conflicts are.

Additional BCeSIS info
District 38 info page.
District 81 support page.
BCTF reaction to BCeSIS.
Wikipedia article.
BCeSIS user videos.

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